What Do Kids Learn From Hiking? | Hikers University

Your child may learn more effectively on a hiking trail in a forest with creeks and waterfalls than in any classroom. So, what do kids learn from hiking?

Our children lack a connection to the natural world, which is crucial for their health and development. The lack of connection makes them feel stressed out, distracted, and out of shape. For the most part, spending time in nature has been put on the back burner. This is made worse by the prevalence of video games and a shortage of free time.

Kids develop a bond with nature and animals. They learn respect, compassion, perseverance, and courage. Kids may also learn safety skills and resistance to hardships and stress. Hiking also helps to develop cognitive skills and creative thinking by stimulating the mind and body.

Many would argue that children nowadays appear to be lacking a connection to nature even though being outdoors has now become more crucial than ever. Both children and adults are growing less aware of the value of wildlife. However, those who enjoy being outside can help change that by encouraging families to participate in more outdoor activities like hiking, canoeing, and camping.

Hiking provides numerous benefits for the physical as well as mental health of young kids. Some of these lessons are hard to grasp through books or counseling. Families can enjoy spending time on the trails together. It allows them to see wildlife, take in the scenery, and experience the thrill of reaching the final destination. True learning extends well beyond academic learning. Let’s learn more about what kids learn from hiking.

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What Do Kids Learn From Hiking?

We want our children to persevere, to get over their exhaustion and their self-doubt. To do this, they must practice facing challenges and figuring out how to overcome them. We want them to feel the satisfaction that comes with overcoming a challenge.

We hope this list of life lessons kids will learn will persuade you to take up hiking as a family activity if you haven't already. Hiking is so much more than just putting one foot in front of the other on the trail. We don't just utilize hiking as a way to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Hiking is a great opportunity to connect with nature and discover how to follow its principles.

Although adults are aware of how crucial a connection to nature is, it is also our duty to impart this knowledge to the younger generation. Hiking is not only about having fun in the woods, it is also about showing your kids how to handle life's challenges.

Now that there is so much digital entertainment available, kids choose to stay indoors all day instead of going outdoors to play. Almost every kid these days is seen with a cell phone or a video game device in hand, thanks to advancements in technology. Remaining inside might worsen sadness, anxiety, and insomnia. It's crucial to go outside, breathe in the fresh air, and take a stroll regardless of the season. However, parents and guardians are beginning to realize how crucial it is to disconnect their children from technology and take them outside.

You can venture out to different locations or anyplace nearby.  We all need to get outside occasionally in order to exercise and breathe some fresh air. Additionally, it has consistently been shown that both children and adults benefit from being active and spending time outside. And taking your kids on a trek is one of the best ways to introduce them to nature. At first, it won't be simple. But taking kids hiking is definitely worthwhile in the long run.

It's crucial to teach your children what it means to appreciate the outdoors in addition to just encouraging them to enjoy it. After all, one of the most significant events in a child's life should be teaching them about the natural world.

Leave No Trail

Children who go on hikes set up camp, and explore the wilderness are taught to leave no trace. They observe how one person's activities might have an adverse effect on both the land and the visitors. Wildfires can be put out by doing something as simple as putting out campfires and appreciating nature. Children learn the importance of preserving wildlife, vegetation, and the wilderness in general by understanding the notion of leaving the wild, wild. Picking up rubbish on a hike or bringing kids to help clean up local trails is a good way to teach them to leave no trail. They can see the harm that is done to wildlife and the ecology when public lands are misused as they pick up other people's litter. This helps them realize that waste doesn't just go away on its own, so always pick up after yourself.


Children develop their imaginations and a sense of adventure through exploring nature and being outside. Kids are compelled by the wild's untidy and unclean appearance. The wild inspires confidence and the courage to try new things. When children spend time in the wild, they gain knowledge about the environment and the animals that live there. They learn how to stay safe outside and lose their fear of bugs, animals, and unpredictability. Many children who hike early pick up on life skills like first aid, etc.

Courtesy and Compassion

Depending on your living circumstances, respect can be difficult to learn, but youngsters who spend time in nature naturally acquire it. They develop empathy while watching newborn animals, wildlife in general, and bird nests. They can observe various animals living in harmony and peace. Children that learn to respect wildlife and allow animals to go about their everyday activities grow up to be more empathetic individuals.

Children that exhibit empathy for animals often exhibit it for humans as well. Everyone learns the value of respect by spending time on trails and in public places. When we treat the wild with respect, we can all continue to enjoy the beauty of nature for many years to come.

Health and Wellness

Leaving lessons aside, being outside promotes a healthy lifestyle. Numerous research throughout the years has demonstrated that exercise not only raises serotonin levels but also improves academic ability. While more physically active adolescents perform better academically, natural light reduces weariness and stimulates the brain. It's crucial to promote the significance of movement and nature outside of the classroom, especially since many schools have discontinued physical education to concentrate on other subjects.

We will develop young leaders who will stand up for the environment if we allow our kids to spend more time outside and replace screen time with outdoor activities. There will always be young people fighting for public lands and the environment, especially in the future. Even if hiking might not be the solution for every child, it's possible that it will change their lives and open their eyes to a whole new universe.

Hard Work

Hiking across challenging terrain will educate your child how to overcome obstacles when things get difficult. It's difficult to overcome terrain for hours while sweating, but it's all worthwhile once you reach the destination. Hiking with the intention of getting where you're going is similar to setting a life goal for your child. Hiking will instill in your children the value of perseverance and the need to look for solutions to all challenges. To improve at something, you have to step outside of your comfort zone.

Getting Out of the Comfort Zone

When attempting to ascend to a new peak or alpine lake, some degree of physical discomfort is unavoidable. After some time, the muscles become stronger, enabling your child to hike farther and farther. If you want your child to develop into a strong and healthy adult, long hikes are essential for their growth.

Clean Air

Hikers know how amazing the fresh air on the trails feels. Teaching your kids that hiking is healthier for them is the best method to keep them off of their phones, computers, and iPads. Before they grow to adore technology, start taking them to the mountains when they are young.

Fostering Initiatives

The motivation to take on obligations, finish projects, and exercise initiative frequently results from confidence built up through personal experiences. Kids can learn the value of remaining engaged, motivated, and attentive through hiking, which will encourage them to take initiative at home and at school.

Challenge Themselves

Even though it drives their parents crazy, children are required to test limits as a normal and crucial part of their growth. Since it frequently entails evaluating stamina and physical prowess within a scope that is reasonably safe, the kind of limit testing that takes place during outdoor activities like hiking is a little simpler to handle. When kids successfully navigate through a challenging incline on their own, successfully carry a load without assistance, or surpass their previous record for the longest trail, they will be overjoyed.

Problem Solving Skills

In order to solve a problem, one may need to use logic, reason, creative thinking, and other cognitive abilities that get better with practice. Spending time in nature can help children develop these linked skills and also put them in circumstances where they may need to solve problems or make decisions. By doing so, kids gain confidence and improve their problem-solving skills.

Creative Thinking

In order to come up with the best answer to an issue or process, it is frequently important to think outside the box. Some children are creative by nature, while others require a variety of life events to inspire their ideas. Kids can be encouraged to think creatively by allowing them to make free, unprompted decisions and use their imaginations, both of which can be incorporated into outdoor activities like hiking.

Safety Skills

Learning the skills required to keep safe outside is a crucial component of having fun and staying safe. These abilities can all be demonstrated while hiking. For example, kids should know how to use the first aid kit and safety gear they brought with them on their hike. They can also learn about the various poisonous plants and animals out there that they need to steer clear of. Other skills will come naturally as they start going on hikes regularly. It provides students an opportunity to become familiar with fundamental field safety, which is an important life skill.

Decision Making Skills

It's acceptable and healthy for kids to take minor, age-appropriate risks as they develop. While some kids seem to be born to be cautious, others seem to be destined to be daredevils who will try everything once. Supervised hiking is a relatively safe opportunity for youngsters to explore their own limits and boundaries since it gives them an actual risk taking experience, which helps make more mature decisions when taking them in the future.

Resistance to Stress

Creative thought is comparable to divergent thinking, often known as non-linear thinking. It refers to the sort of impromptu, imaginative brainstorming that one could engage in when attempting to generate novel ideas and it's a skill that can be acquired via the application of imagination and creativity. Divergent thinking may be developed when young children have the chance to play imaginatively outside while hiking.

Resistance to Hardship

Although it would be wonderful if we could shield our children from all conflict, neither it is practical nor healthy to do so. They must learn to deal with occasional adversity; developing the inner strength to do so requires living experience, time, and your love and support. It's important to note that spending time in nature is related to a rise in resistance to hardship.

Valuable Time Spent with Parents

Engaging with your children, whether via play, experiences, or straightforward talk, is essential to the growth of a strong and positive bond. A family trek provides uninterrupted time away from the rush and bustle of daily life, allowing children and parents to engage in genuine conversation, play, and strengthen their bonds.

When we step outside of our comfort zone and into nature, there is a lot to be gained; the same is true for our children. Hiking is a pastime that can support and facilitate their healthy growth on many levels.