Which Backpacking Food Should I Buy? | Hikers University

Backpacking food can be a bit of a challenge to figure out. There are so many different options, and it's hard to know which backpacking food you should buy.

There are so many different types of backpacking food on the market that it can be hard to decide which one is right for you. Do you want lightweight and easy-to-carry meals? Or do you prefer something that's calorie-dense and will keep you going all day?

You should buy food that is not only easy to prepare but also nutritious and filling. Look for calorie-dense foods that will give you the energy you need to hike all day. Some great backpacking food options include jerky, oatmeal, granola, powdered eggs, frozen-dried meals, couscous, and trail mix.

If you're like me, the idea of spending weeks or months on the road, eating nothing but trail mix and beef jerky, sends shivers down your spine. I love hiking and camping as much as the next person, but I don't love subsisting on a diet of bland and boring food. Thankfully, there are plenty of great options for backpacking food that will keep you healthy and happy on your trip. In this article, we will discuss some of the best foods to take with you on your next backpacking adventure.

We spent countless hours scouring the internet for the best backpacking food tips, and we've compiled our findings into this comprehensive guide. We'll cover everything from lightweight meals that are easy to carry to calorie-dense foods that will keep you going all day long. We also took feedback from real backpackers to find out what their favorite foods are. So whether you're looking for ideas for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, we've got you covered.

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Best Backpacking Foods for Breakfast

Start your day off right with a nutritious and filling breakfast.


Looking for a breakfast option that is both quick and nutritious? Look no further than oatmeal! Oats are packed with fiber and protein, which will help to keep you feeling full throughout the morning. And because they are rich in complex carbohydrates, oats will give you the slow-burning energy you need to get through your morning activities. Best of all, oatmeal is incredibly easy to make. Just add water or milk to your desired amount of oats and let them sit for a few minutes.

Plus, research suggests that eating oats can help to regulate blood sugar levels and boost weight loss. Best of all, oatmeal is quick and easy to make, so it's perfect for busy mornings. Simply add your desired amount of oats to a pot of boiling water and cook for about 5 minutes. Then, add any toppings you like and enjoy.

Our Recommendations

Bob's Red Mill Organic Quick Cooking Rolled Oats

Bob's Red Mill Organic Quick Cooking Rolled Oats are a healthy and delicious choice for hot cereal lovers. These rolled oats cook in just 90 seconds, making them a perfect choice for busy mornings. Bob's Red Mill uses only the highest quality organic ingredients to make their oats, and they are 100% whole grain. With 7g of protein and 5g of fiber, these oats are a nutritious way to start your day. Plus, they're certified gluten-free, so they're a great choice for those with celiac disease or gluten sensitivities.

Nature's Path Organic Original Instant Oatmeal

Start your day off right with Nature's Path Organic Original Instant Oatmeal. This delicious and nutritious oatmeal is made with 100% whole grain oats and is free of artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives. It's also rich in fiber and protein, making it the perfect way to fuel your body for the day ahead. Simply add water or milk and microwave for a quick and easy breakfast that's sure to please. With Nature's Path Organic Original Instant Oatmeal, you'll enjoy all the benefits of a nutritious breakfast without any of the hassles.


If you're in the mood for a hearty breakfast that will give you sustained energy throughout the morning, look no further than granola. Unlike oatmeal, which can often be bland and watery, granola is packed with flavor and texture. It typically contains a variety of grains, nuts, and dried fruit, all of which work together to create a satisfying and nutritious meal. In addition, granola is typically high in fiber, which helps to keep you feeling full throughout the day. Best of all, it's easy to make at home, so you can customize it to your own taste.

Additionally, many commercial granolas are also sweetened with honey or syrup, making them a tasty treat. While store-bought granola can be convenient, it's also easy to make your own at home. Simply combine your desired ingredients in a bowl and bake in the oven until crisp. Enjoy your granola on its own or with milk for a filling breakfast that will keep you energized all morning long.

Our Recommendations

KIND Healthy Grains Granola

KIND Healthy Grains Granola is a nutritious and delicious way to start your day. Packed with whole grains, including oats, quinoa, and amaranth, it provides a good source of fiber and protein. Additionally, KIND Healthy Grains Granola contains five super grains, which have been shown to provide health benefits like reducing inflammation and improving heart health. Furthermore, this granola is sweetened with honey and sprinkled with raisins for a touch of sweetness. It's the perfect breakfast or snack for those who are looking for a nutritious and tasty option. So go ahead and try KIND Healthy Grains Granola. You'll be glad you did.

Annie's Organic Chewy Granola Bars

Annie's Organic Chewy Granola Bars are a delicious and nutritious snack option. Made with organic oats, brown rice syrup, and dried fruit, they are free of artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives. These granola bars are a good source of fiber and contain no high fructose corn syrup. They are also vegan and kosher. Annie's Organic Chewy Granola Bars come in four flavors: original, chocolate chip, peanut butter, and cranberry almond. The original flavor is the most popular, but all four flavors are tasty and satisfying. Whether you're looking for a quick snack on the go or a wholesome treat to enjoy at home, Annie's Organic Chewy Granola Bars are a great option.

Powdered Eggs

You thought eggs were just for breakfast at home. Nope! You can now enjoy the nutritional benefits of eggs anytime, anywhere with powdered eggs. Powdered eggs are made by dehydrating egg whites and egg yolks. The powder can then be reconstituted by adding water. They are typically made from whole eggs, although some brands also offer egg whites or egg yolks as options. Powdered eggs have a long shelf life and do not require refrigeration, making them a convenient option for camping trips or other situations where fresh eggs are not available.

When reconstituted, powdered eggs have a similar texture and taste to fresh eggs, making them ideal for use in recipes such as omelets, quiche, or pancakes. They can also be used in baking recipes, although they may produce slightly different results than fresh eggs. Overall, powdered eggs are a versatile and convenient option that can be used in a variety of recipes.

Our Recommendations

OvaEasy Egg Crystals

OvaEasy Egg Crystals are a breakfast staple that provides a convenient, hassle-free way to enjoy eggs. Simply add water, stir, and microwave for a delicious, nutritious breakfast in seconds. OvaEasy Eggs are made from real egg whites and contain no cholesterol or saturated fat. They're also an excellent source of protein and essential vitamins and minerals. Whether you're looking for a quick and easy breakfast solution or a healthy snack option, OvaEasy Egg Crystals are a great choice. Plus, they're affordable and come in a variety of flavors, so you can always find one that you'll love.

Judee's Whole Egg Powder

Judee's Whole Egg Powder is a high-quality, all-natural egg powder that can be used in baking and cooking. Made from free-range eggs, the powder is rich in protein and vitamins, and it has a neutral flavor that makes it versatile for use in many different recipes. Judee's Whole Egg Powder is also a convenient way to add eggs to your diet, as it can be stored for long periods of time and does not require refrigeration. Whether you are looking for a healthy alternative to traditional eggs or simply want a convenient way to add more protein to your diet, Judee's Whole Egg Powder is an excellent choice.

Pancake Mix

Few things are more delicious than a stack of warm pancakes smothered in syrup. And while it's always tempting to head to the nearest diner for breakfast, there's nothing quite like the feeling of satisfaction that comes from making pancakes from scratch. Of course, not everyone has the time or patience to whip up a batch of pancakes from scratch. That's where pancake mix comes in. Just add water, milk, or eggs (depending on the recipe), and you'll have a batter that's ready to cook. Pancake mix is a convenient option for busy mornings, and it can also be a lifesaver when unexpected guests drop by for breakfast.

There are a variety of pancake mixes available on the market, and each offers its own unique benefits. For example, some mixes are made with whole wheat flour, which is more nutritious than white flour. Other mixes may include oats or bran, which can add fiber to the diet. Some pancake mixes are also pre-sweetened, making them ideal for those who have a sweet tooth. When choosing a pancake mix, it is important to read the label carefully to make sure that it meets your needs. With so many different options available, there is sure to be a pancake mix that is perfect for you.

While it may be convenient, store-bought pancake mix is often loaded with sugar, preservatives, and other unhealthy ingredients. However, there are a few simple steps that you can take to make a healthier pancake mix at home. Start with whole wheat flour or oat flour instead of all-purpose flour. You can also add some flaxseed meal or chia seeds for an extra boost of nutrients. And instead of using milk, opt for almond milk or coconut milk. Once you've collected all of your ingredients, simply whisk them together and store them in an airtight container. The next time you're in the mood for pancakes, your healthy pancake mix will be ready to go.

Our Recommendations

Betty Crocker Bisquick Pancake and Baking Mix

Betty Crocker Bisquick Pancake and Baking Mix is a convenient, all-in-one product that can be used to make a variety of delicious dishes. From pancakes and waffles to biscuits and pies, this versatile mix can be used to create a wide range of sweet and savory treats. Betty Crocker Bisquick Pancake and Baking Mix are made with high-quality ingredients, including wheat flour, milk, eggs, and baking powder. This unique blend of ingredients gives the mix its distinct flavor and texture. Additionally, the mix is easy to use; simply add water or milk to create a thick batter that can be cooked on a hot griddle or in a hot oven. With Betty Crocker Bisquick Pancake and Baking Mix, delicious homemade pancakes are just minutes away.

Birch Benders Gluten Free Pancake Mix

Birch Benders Gluten Free Pancake Mix is a delicious and healthy alternative to traditional pancake mix. Made with brown rice flour, tapioca starch, and potato starch, this mix is perfect for those who are celiac or have gluten sensitivities. In addition, the mix is also dairy-free, making it ideal for those with dairy allergies or intolerances. The pancakes made from this mix are light and fluffy and can be easily customized with your favorite toppings. Whether you prefer sweet or savory toppings, Birch Benders gluten-free pancake mix is a versatile and delicious option for your next breakfast or brunch.

Best Backpacking Foods for Lunch

I like to think of myself as a bit of a connoisseur when it comes to backpacking food. I've tried just about every type of freeze-dried meal, energy bar, and jerky stick on the market. And while there are some truly terrible backpacking foods out there, there are also some that are absolutely worth packing in your bag. Here are my top picks for the best backpacking foods for lunch.

Fish Pouches

Fish pouches are a great option for backpacking food because they are lightweight, easy to prepare, and full of nutrients. They come in a variety of flavors, and you can find them at most grocery stores. I like to pack a few packets of tuna or salmon for lunch or dinner. And I often pair them with rice or couscous for a complete meal. Fish pouches are also a good source of protein, which is essential for any backpacking trip. In addition, they are shelf-stable and have a long shelf life, so you can pack them ahead of time and not worry about them going bad.

These convenient little packages are full of flavor and nutritious goodness, and they weigh next to nothing. Additionally, they are incredibly easy to prepare; simply add water and let the pouch sit for a few minutes before eating. Fish pouches are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for your heart health. So, if you are looking for a healthy and easy way to add some protein to your diet, consider packing some fish pouches on your next backpacking trip.

Our Recommendations

Wild Planet Albacore Wild Tuna

For those who are passionate about getting their omega-3 fatty acids, few things are as perfect as a packet of Wild Planet Albacore Wild Tuna. Sourced exclusively from the Pacific Ocean, this tuna is not only delicious but also sustainable and eco-friendly. The company utilizes a method called "pole and line" fishing, which means that the tuna are caught one at a time, minimizing the impact on other ocean life. In addition, the cans are BPA-free and made from recycled materials. As a result, Wild Planet Albacore Wild Tuna is not only good for your health but also good for the planet. So next time you're looking for a nutritious and delicious snack, be sure to reach for a can of Wild Planet Albacore Wild Tuna.

Chicken of the Sea Mackerel Fillet in Soybean Oil

Chicken of the Sea Mackerel Fillet in Soybean Oil is a nutritious, protein-rich food that is perfect for a healthy diet. The fillets are wild-caught and contain no artificial flavors or preservatives. Each fillet is packed with Omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for heart health. In addition, soybean oil contains healthy polyunsaturated fats that can help to lower cholesterol levels. The fillets are also an excellent source of vitamin B12, which is necessary for proper red blood cell function. For these reasons, Chicken of the Sea Mackerel Fillet in Soybean Oil is a great choice for those who are looking for a nutritious and delicious seafood option.


Jerky is a type of meat that has been trimmed of fat and cut into thin strips. It is then dried and seasoned, often with salt, spices, and smoke. The drying process can be accomplished using a variety of methods, including air drying, smoking, or dehydrating. Jerky is a great option for backpacking food because it is lightweight and easy to store. Jerky is also full of protein, which is essential for sustaining energy levels while hiking. The process of making jerky involves removing all the water from the meat, which makes it very shelf-stable. As long as jerky is stored in a cool, dry place, it can last for months without spoiling

When choosing jerky for backpacking, it is important to select a variety that is high in protein and low in fat. Fatty meats can spoil more quickly, and they are also more likely to attract bears. For these reasons, lean cuts of beef or venison are ideal for making jerky. With a little advance planning, jerky can be a convenient and nutritious option for backpacking meals.

Our Recommendations

Organic Valley Mighty Organic 100% Grass-Fed Organic Beef Sticks

Organic Valley Mighty Organic 100% Grass-Fed Organic Beef Sticks are a healthy and delicious snack. Made with only grass-fed beef and spices, they are free of antibiotics, hormones, and GMOs. As a result, they are a healthier option than many other types of beef jerky. Additionally, the beef used in these sticks is grass-fed and organic, meaning that it is raised without the use of pesticides or other harmful chemicals. The end result is a delicious and nutritious snack that you can feel good about eating. So if you're looking for a healthy snack that satisfies your hunger without sacrificing flavor, try Organic Valley Mighty Organic 100% Grass-Fed Organic Beef Sticks. You won't be disappointed.

Duke's Traditional Sea Salt & Pepper Beef Brisket Strips

DUKE'S Traditional Sea Salt & Pepper Beef Brisket Strips are thin slices of steak that are marinated in a savory blend of spices and then slow-cooked to perfection. These beef strips are an excellent source of protein, and they are also low in fat and calories. Made with 100% grass-fed beef, these savory strips are seasoned with sea salt, black pepper, and garlic powder for a mouthwatering taste. In addition, the unique flavor of DUKE'S Traditional Sea Salt Beef Steak Strips makes them a great addition to any meal. Whether you're looking for a quick and easy way to add protein to your diet or you're looking for a unique and delicious way to spice up your meals, DUKE'S Traditional Sea Salt Beef Steak Strips are a great choice.

Trail Mix

Trail mix is a popular snack food that is easy to make and highly portable. It typically contains a mix of nuts, dried fruit, and Seeds, although the exact ingredients can vary depending on personal preferences. Trail mix is a convenient option for hikers and campers, as it provides a balanced blend of energy-rich carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats. It can also be helpful for people who are trying to maintain their weight, as it satisfies hunger without being overly filling. For best results, choose a trail mix that contains a variety of different textures and flavors. This will help to keep you interested and prevent you from getting bored with your snack.

When choosing trail mix, look for a mix that contains a variety of different nuts and dried fruits. Avoid mixes that contain too much sugar or salt, as these can cause you to become thirsty. Instead, focus on finding a mix that contains whole nuts and dried fruit that is unsweetened. This way, you'll be able to enjoy the natural sweetness of the fruit without adding any extra calories.

Our Recommendations

Planters Nuts & Chocolate Trail Mix

Looking for a tasty and nutritious snack that will give you the energy you need to power through your day? Look no further than Planters Nuts & Chocolate Trail Mix. This delicious mix combines the goodness of crunchy peanuts and almonds with the sweetness of chocolate for a perfect balance of flavor. Plus, nuts are a good source of protein and essential nutrients, while the chocolate provides a shot of energy to help keep you going. Whether you're looking for an on-the-go snack or something to munch on at your desk, Planters nuts and chocolate trail mix is a great option. So why not grab a bag today and see for yourself? You'll be glad you did.

Gourmet Nut Power Up Protein Packed Trail Mix

Looking for a nutritious snack that will give you a real energy boost? Look no further than Gourmet Nut Power Up Protein Packed Trail Mix. This delicious mix is packed with all kinds of healthy ingredients, including almonds, cashews, pistachios, and pecans. But what really sets this trail mix apart is the addition of protein-rich sunflower seeds and dried cranberries. Together, these ingredients provide a perfect balance of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. So, whether you're hitting the hiking trails or just looking for a nutritious snack to tide you over until dinner, Gourmet Nut Power Up Protein Packed Trail Mix is sure to do the trick.

Best Backpacking Foods for Dinner

When it comes to dinner on the trail, there are a few things to keep in mind. First and foremost, you'll want to choose a meal that is high in calories and nutrients. This will give you the energy you need to power through your day and help you recover from all the physical activity. Secondly, you'll want to choose a meal that is easy to prepare. After a long day of hiking, the last thing you want to do is spend hours cooking dinner. And finally, you'll want to make sure your dinner is delicious enough that you'll actually want to eat it. With that in mind, here are our favorite backpacking dinners.

Ramen Noodles

Ramen noodles are a popular choice for backpackers as they are lightweight, easy to prepare, and relatively inexpensive. Plus, they pack a serious punch when it comes to calories and nutrients. Just one package of ramen noodles contains over 400 calories, making it an ideal dinner option for hikers and campers. Ramen noodles are also high in sodium and fat, making them a less-than-ideal choice for those who are trying to watch their calorie intake. However, for those who are looking for a quick and easy meal that will give them the energy they need to power through a long hike, ramen noodles are hard to beat.

Our Recommendations

Mike's Mighty Good Vegetarian Kimchi Ramen

If you're looking for a new ramen flavor to try, Mike's Mighty Good might just have the perfect option for you. Their vegetarian kimchi ramen is made with a blend of kimchi and gochujang spices, providing a delicious and unique twist on the classic dish. The noodles are also made with whole wheat flour, giving them a hearty and satisfying texture. Plus, the broth is completely meat-free, making it ideal for vegetarians or anyone looking for a lighter meal. So if you're in the mood for something new, be sure to check out Mike's Mighty Good vegetarian kimchi ramen. You won't be disappointed.

Frozen Dried Meal

For those who are looking for an ultra-convenient backpacking dinner, freeze-dried meals are the way to go. These meals come in a variety of flavors and can be prepared in just minutes by adding water. Freeze-dried meals are also lightweight and easy to store, making them ideal for backpackers and campers. However, they are typically more expensive than other backpacking dinners. And while they may be convenient, they often lack the flavor and nutrition of fresh or home-cooked meals. So if you're looking for a quick and easy meal on the trail, freeze-dried food is a good option. But if you're looking for something that is both nutritious and delicious, you might want to keep looking.

Our Recommendations

Good To-Go Thai Curry

If you're in the mood for something a little different, Good To-Go Thai Curry is a great option. This freeze-dried meal is made with a blend of coconut milk, red curry paste, and vegetables. It's also gluten-free and vegan, making it a great option for those with dietary restrictions. And best of all, it only takes minutes to prepare. Just add water, and you'll have a delicious and satisfying meal that is sure to please even the pickiest of eaters. So if you're looking for an easy and delicious backpacking dinner, be sure to give Good To-Go Thai Curry a try.


Couscous is a type of pasta that is made from durum wheat semolina. It's a popular dish in many parts of the world, including North Africa, where it is often served as a side dish or as a main course. Couscous is relatively easy to prepare and can be cooked in just minutes. It's also lightweight and inexpensive, making it a great option for backpackers and campers. However, couscous is not as nutrient-rich as other backpacking options, so it's best to pair it with another protein-rich food.

Our Recommendations

Quaker Near East Couscous Mix

Quaker Near East Couscous Mix is a quick and easy way to enjoy the traditional flavor of couscous. Made with 100% whole wheat, this mix provides a hearty dose of fiber and protein. It comes in a variety of flavors, including Original, Roasted Garlic, and Tomato Basil. Quaker Near East Couscous Mix can be enjoyed as a side dish or as the main course. For a complete meal, simply add chicken or beef. With no preservatives or artificial flavors, Quaker Near East Couscous Mix is a healthy choice for any occasion.


Peter Brooks

Peter Brooks

I’m a hiker, backpacker, and general outdoor enthusiast. I started hiking out of college while working for the National Forest Service, and have been hiking ever since. I’ve been solo hiking and leading hiking groups for two decades and have completed hundreds of small hikes and some majorones such as the Appalachian Train and the Pacific Crest Trail, and hiked on four continents. I’d love to share some of my insight with you.

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